
We are proud that Harptree and Cameley Surgeries are now a Veteran Friendly Practice.

Are you a Veteran? What is a Veteran?

A veteran is anyone who has served for at least one day in the Armed Forces, whether as a regular or reservist. It means the same as ‘ex service personnel’ or ‘ex-forces’, although not all veterans know the term or choose to associate with the term ‘veteran’. Younger veterans might refer to themselves as ‘ex-forces.’

If you are a Veteran or a member of an ex-forces family, please let the Surgery know. We will then ensure we get any information to you and there may be things that you did not know about such as Op Courage. The ‘5 Top Tips for Veterans’, provides more detail. For more information, please visit:

If you would like more information or to tell us you are a Veteran/family member of a veteran, please speak to us at the surgery.